If you’re looking for ways to make money online you’ve come to the right place. In this article you’ll discover the top 7 ways anyone can make money online. One of the great things about the internet is that you can run your business from the comfort of your home. All you need is an internet connection and you can make money online. Diving into the online world will free you from your daily 9-to-5 desk job giving you more time to travel indulge in hobbies and spend time with your family. Another benefit is that there are many different ways to make money online. First and foremost all you have to do is identify a profitable niche that is right for you. After that no need to hire staff to rent space or buy expensive furniture (unless you want to). Here are verified real online businesses as well as new businesses and Niche: Illustration by Catherine Song. © The Balance 20181. Affiliate Marketing You probably already know that affiliate marketing is one of the oldest tools for making money online. Here’s How It Works: As an Internet Entrepreneur You Need Your Web Presence: Website Blog Social Media Platform landing page sales page banner or e-commerce website. But instead of selling their own products they sell other companies’ products. You can use a combination of several of these if you wish as long as you communicate your marketing message to the public. Then choose a hot affiliate niche; One with a lot of potential customers. Check social media to identify trends and see what’s trending on sites like Amazon and CJ Affiliate. Provide important content and marketing messages for your potential customers. When a customer on your digital platform clicks a link to make a purchase they are Take to your affiliate partner’s website to close the deal – you get a commission for every sale you make. The best part is that you don’t have to deal with shipping or customer service. Affiliate Marketing is one of the fastest and easiest ways to start an online business Because all you have to do is promote the product. You don’t have to worry about creating product setup payment and delivery systems or dealing with customer support. You just drive traffic and get them to click on the company you are promoting as an affiliate if the sale is Lets you get a commission for referring this sale.2 Selling on Amazon eBay Etsy and Cragslist One of the fastest ways to start selling online is to harness the power of a third-party website. E-commerce giants like Amazon eBay Etsy and Craigslist are powerful sales and marketing platforms Built-in prospect library. Millions of people regularly shop on these sites and that number keeps growing. These large sites make it easy to shop so customers can browse your products without having to build their own website. You can also find a built-in search function for Interested buyers can easily find your online storefront. Additionally you can use the site’s shopping cart. In short you can avoid the massive expense and hassle of setting up a stand-alone e-commerce website. Amazon: With Amazon you can even have them fulfill your order. The digital retailer also said They have more than 2 million sellers on their site accounting for 40% of all sales. Another benefit of using Amazon (and these other third-party sites) is that people already trust them and are more likely to buy them from their own independent site if you have one. eBay: Very similar procedure to eBay. You just need to start out as an eBay seller and stay in good standing by making sure your PayPal account is verified and then you can register your store. These three steps allow you to take advantage of eBay’s reputation reach and sales Marketing infrastructure to sell your own products. Although you can list a single price on eBay the biggest benefit of their platform is the auction system which allows your potential buyers to engage in bidding wars – increasing the selling price of your listings. Etsy: If You’re Crafty Etsy is where you should shop. Focused on handcrafted and one-of-a-kind items the portal has 1.5 million sellers worldwide. Like Amazon and eBay you can set up your own online store on Etsy’s website. Craigslist: Perhaps one of the oldest websites When listing items for sale this is still a great place to list and sell items. All four of these sites are a very easy way to start your digital career although you have to pay $0.99 per item for Amazon to $0.10 for eBay and $0.20 for Etsy. common ground Across all three sites you need to keep product descriptions detailed and specific with clear high-quality product photos and be aware of what your competitors are charging so you don’t exceed your own prices. 3. Blogging Old-fashioned blogging is alive and kicking. if you provide valuable With regular content you will attract like-minded people interested in your niche information and products. Your readers are forced to keep reading to learn more and buy. These people are ready to buy your product through the ad or affiliate link in your post. Why? because you have Keep delivering useful free (targeted) content and people start to know and trust you. Also you can make your website/online storefront more attractive to Google by regularly adding useful information in the form of articles videos etc. This will result in a higher ranking in Google’s search engine so hopefully you’re on the first page because most people don’t visit the second page on Google. You can monetize your blog and the traffic you get in a number of ways. You can promote products as an affiliate to promote your own products and services and also have ads on your blog. 4. Niche Market E-Commerce As a start-up internet entrepreneur you won’t be competing with e-commerce giants or major retailers like Walmart. You also don’t need a warehouse or logistics system to sell your items. To be successful all you need to do is narrow the focus. In other words find your niche and stick to it. This way you become the go-to expert and top search engine rankings. Most importantly there must be a market for your niche. For example you might have a passion for 16th-century French poetry but not many readers. The key is to have a very specialized focus to appeal to a very specific audience. Instead find the current hot trends and markets and combine them with your knowledge base. Follow news social media feeds and bestsellers on Amazon and eBay to find out what The market you want to enter. 5. Top YouTubers on your own YouTube channel can earn millions of dollars a year including 5-year-olds. Take PewDiePie who made over $15 million by filming himself playing video games. But you don’t need millions of viewers to make money on YouTube. some thoughts Valuable videos include how-tos such as recipe unboxing (where you unpack the product for your audience) food and travel reviews music videos comedy skits and more. Here’s how to make money on YouTube: Set up your YouTube channel where your videos will play live.Upload videos consistently When describing the content in the video in detail. Make sure your video is of high quality and contains useful or interesting content. You don’t need a fancy camera to get to work; a smartphone will suffice in the first place. Promote on your social media platforms such as Facebook and your Email Marketing List. You should also share the videos on social media or embed them on your blog or website. Respond to viewer comments to build a fan base. Your job is to attract and retain your audience. Monetize your business by allowing YouTube to add ads to your videos. when the audience clicks On ads that you split the cost with Google. The more views the more you earn. Plus you don’t have to be in front of the camera to make money with YouTube videos. Many of the most successful YouTube channels are screenshot videos with software or video tutorials You see someone do something or do a voiceover; never have to actually be on camera.6 Selling eBooks The Internet has already had an impact on the traditional publishing world. E-readers are all the rage these days. E-books account for about 20% of all book sales in the United States. The news is that you don’t have to be a deep-pocketed publisher to get involved. As an independent internet entrepreneur you can sell eBooks directly from your own website. You can sell your own work or sell works in the public domain. Just upload it to your website (or your seller account on Amazon) and Start promoting it on social media platforms on your email list your blog site etc.7 Develop Apps Whether it’s iPhone or Android it has apps and everyone has one in their pocket. You can’t compete with the likes of Pandora and Pinterest but you can get in action. If you have a lightbulb moment that addresses a people’s need create an app that addresses that need. It could be a new way to store photos or a podcast download manager. If you’re not a programmer don’t panic. You are an idea person. You can hire people to create it. With programmers available at reasonable prices you’re likely to find people on sites like Upwork. Of course the exact amount you pay the developer depends on the complexity of the application. You should create your app so that it works on both smartphones Android and iPhone. This way you can maximize your customer base.
