Public speaking is often listed as the thing people fear the most even from heights and spiders. However it’s a great way to get your message across to your target market to build your business. Going a step further by doing proper public speaking can be an additional source of income.

Pros of Public Speaking

There are many reasons to overcome your fear or hesitation about public speaking as a means of growing your business. Public speaking can:

  • Lets you show your expertise – people are more likely to hire or buy from you when they have proof you know what you’re doing.
  • Make yourself a leader in your field
  • Extend your business awareness to your market
  • Increase sales in your business
  • Increase your professional network
  • Spend time with your tribe (this keeps you away from your home office and with people in your industry)
  • Make money

Cons of Public Speaking

Of course public speaking also has some disadvantages including:

  • Especially stressful if you are afraid to speak in public
  • Preparing your presentation materials and finding a place to book your presentation is time consuming
  • Might have to drive and fly (another fear for many)
  • Speeches may have to be offered for free before being charged

Types of Public Speaking

Not all conversations are the same. Your presentation will largely depend on your goals market and venue. You can give three different types of public speaking:

  • Informative speeches provide educational instruction or information. For example a virtual assistant might talk about outsourcing work.
  • A persuasive speech promotes a specific point of view on a topic. For example a virtual assistant might discuss why outsourcing is necessary for a profitable business.
  • Entertaining speeches are designed to entertain and entertain the audience. For example an annual company event might hire a comedian.

Types of Talks

For the most part when people think of public speaking they think of speeches but you can do several different types of public speaking.

  • Keynote Speeches: These are usually the keynote speeches given at the event. They are usually 30 to 60 minutes long and relate to the overall theme of the event. Keynotes can be informative persuasive and/or entertaining.
  • Seminar: This is an informative presentation designed to educate the audience. Workshops can be as long as 30 minutes or a full day.
  • Workshops: Workshops are similar to seminars in that they educate but usually involve a larger audience in person. Workshops usually last one to two hours.
  • Training: Similar to seminars and workshops trainers also educate. They are often employed by companies to teach specific skills such as how to use social media or sales techniques. Training can be an hour to a full day or even a few days.
  • Panelists: Many events have panels in which a group of speakers discuss a specific topic with the assistance of a moderator. If you’re intimidated by speaking in public group discussions are a great way to get started. Groups are usually informative and 30 to 60 minutes long.

How to Build Your Business with Public Speaking

Getting started with public speaking as a marketing method requires research and planning. Below are the steps to follow.

1. What does your market want or need? Building your business through public speaking is the same as any other marketing strategy; determine what problems you can solve for your target market. What does your business do to help people?

2. Plan a conversation around one of your solutions. Because it can overwhelm the audience try to cover everything in a topic while the goal is to generate leads that focus on one aspect of that topic. You want to provide enough information to make people feel like they are getting something out of it (especially if They paid for it) but not that much there is no reason why people would want to buy from you or hire you. For example if you’re a virtual assistant plan to talk about how outsourcing can increase sales or profits.

3. Determine your speaking fee. In some cases you may want to speak for free just to have a chance to enter your market. However you may be charged for your speech especially if you do it frequently. The fee you will be charged depends on:

  • Type of presentation (i.e keynote seminar training group appearances etc.)
  • The length of talk
  • For example corporate venues will pay more than nonprofits
  • Your experience
  • Quality and Quantity of Handout Materials

Most speakers underestimate their value and don’t charge enough. As already mentioned sometimes you may need to speak for free or cheap to get the experience.

In general keynotes and talks with businesses can cost more than workshops or seminars with smaller organizations. You can also get paid well for the training you are hired by a company to teach employees.

However don’t ignore group discussions and small presentations as they allow you to practice and expose you to others who may want to hire you to speak.

In the end your cost isn’t the only thing to consider. If you must travel you need to know if the activity covers your travel accommodation and meals.

4. Find groups specific to your market to promote your speaking idea. Which associations or organizations does your target market belong to? Start by researching if they host events where you can speak. Or you can speak at one of their meetings. if you are a Business-to-business (B2B) businesses seek professional networks such as your local chamber of commerce. Civic and social groups (i.e Lions clubs) often have speakers. Adult Education Programs (consult your local university or community college about adult education) Libraries and Community recreation centers are also places to check.

5. Know your customers. Although you’ve come up with an idea specific to your market it doesn’t hurt to know more about the organization you’ll be talking to. Tailoring your presentation to a group ensures that you give your audience what they want. if you mention your Organisers can encourage more bookings in your presentation. For example if you are talking to a chamber of commerce you can mention other resources that the chamber of commerce offers its members.

6. Prepare multiple learning tools (if you are giving an informative or instructional presentation). People learn in many ways. Some are auditory learners who just need to hear what you are saying. But others need written material and some prefer both. Consider having one Outline to help participants follow your conversation. Be sure to include your company name and contact information in the handout. If you can save money provide a folder containing your presentation outline manual and other materials about your business.

7. Prepare and practice your speech. To avoid boredom include stories and anecdotes in your conversations that highlight the message you’re trying to convey. Add a sense of humor to your speech to relieve tension and add a little fun to your speech. Ask questions in a timely manner unless the type of conversation is different allowed to do so. While you don’t necessarily have to memorize your speech you should be very familiar with it so that you can deliver it in a conversational way rather than reading it. Practice speaking in front of friends and peers or in front of a mirror. Record your speech to record any Tics such as excessive use of “um” and other speech fillers.

8. Prepare audiovisual materials. A slideshow can turn off your audience especially if it’s loaded with bulleted text. At the same time it’s a great tool to make sure you and your audience are on the same page of your presentation. Consider using visuals instead of bullets and text over words. There is a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words so maximize it. Choose good photos or graphics that illustrate the concept you want to convey. For example to discuss the idea of ​​using a virtual assistant when discussing how overwhelmed business owners are you can use Business people juggling mobile phone computer files etc.

9. Promote your speech. While the organization that hires you will promote the conversation to its members you should also promote your appearance. Not only does it support the organization but it can increase the credibility of your business and attract other organizations to hire you. Add event information to Your website sends out press releases and shares them on social media.

10. Show up on time dress appropriately and be ready to speak. You have one chance to make a good first impression. Don’t waste it by being late or looking sloppy.

11. If you have a fear of public speaking use strategies to reduce anxiety. If you have practiced and understand your material focus on your abilities. Breathe deeply and calmly. Stretch to relieve tension. Smile in your conversation.

12. Seek feedback from listeners and customers. Criticism can be difficult to accept but the best way to improve your speaking skills as well as the presentation itself is through feedback.

Public speaking can be fun! It’s a great way to expand your business and one of the few marketing strategies you can get paid for. If you’re nervous about adding public speaking consider seeking help through an organization like Toastmasters. Watch TedTalks Learn How to give an engaging and inspiring speech. Start small by seeking to become a group member or pitch group