With more than 65 million users LinkedIn is a social network for working professionals. This is a platform to facilitate your home business to find a job or freelance and connect with joint venture partners.

If you have a home business that caters to other businesses (B2B) or a business that is important to your network of partners or clients you should have a profile on LinkedIn. If you’re not there or taking full advantage of all of LinkedIn’s features this guide can help. like other forms Network marketing for your home business on LinkedIn is an inexpensive way to gain exposure.

Getting Started on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is not focused on posting clever memes or what you had for breakfast. As a home business owner this is a space to interact with aspiring professionals and potential partners to build your client base and accumulate referrals.

  • Learn more about how LinkedIn works.
  • If you are not yet a member please create a LinkedIn login.
  • Create a LinkedIn profile highlighting how your home business can help other members. Your goal is to avoid boring boring profiles and instead create one that appeals to people.
  • Consider creating a LinkedIn company page for your home business. After completing the resume section of your personal LinkedIn profile you will have the opportunity to set up a business page. Your company page will automatically link to the resume in your profile.

Armed with these LinkedIn basics you can start marketing yourself and your home business to other LinkedIn members.

Passive LinkedIn Marketing

Building a successful LinkedIn profile requires connecting and updating your account to assure potential clients clients and partners that you are easy to reach and refer to. A passive approach to simply maintaining your profile may present the following opportunities:

  • Reach out to people looking for a product or service. LinkedIn’s search capabilities allow others who are looking for the products you offer to find your profile and browse your products.
  • Introduce to potential clients. You can view testimonials and connections from your friends and colleagues as you research and message prospects.
  • Show recommendations from others on LinkedIn. As part of your public profile you can show testimonials from you and your home business. These suggestions for your ethical product or service can provide credibility that encourages people to do business with you.

Proactive LinkedIn Marketing

To proactively harness the power of LinkedIn you can promote your home business by:

  • Status updates are posted regularly. Write down what you do and who you work for. Include updates that your target audience and customers might be interested in. Focus on how you can help others achieve their goals.
  • Join the group. Join LinkedIn groups related to your home business and interests. Participating in discussions can help you become an expert in your field. Don’t spam or always talk about yourself. It’s about answering questions and being a resource people can trust.
  • Connect with people and other group members in your network. By sending personalized messages you can connect with professionals who have similar interests or who can help you with your home business journey.
  • Try LinkedIn Ads. Paid advertising on LinkedIn is one option to get your home business in front of potential customers quickly.
  • Upgrade to a paid LinkedIn membership. There are several tiers to choose from that unlock additional contact options and other perks that might be a good fit for what you’re trying to achieve with your home business. LinkedIn offers free trials of their paid features so you can test them out before promise.

Add LinkedIn to your marketing strategy

Adding LinkedIn to your marketing strategy can help you expand your network find clients and develop a professional reputation for your home business. Consider adding a LinkedIn badge to your website or blog so that visitors can easily find your profile and connect with you.