Privacy Policy

1. Settings

When we say “we”, “we”, “our” and “elmngm”, we mean elmngm Inc., 220 E 23rd St #401, New York, NY 10010.

We offer online platforms that you may use for marketing or survival in contact with others, including creating, sending and managing email messages and other information about your subscribers (“Services”).

When we say “friend” or “user”, we mean the person or entity registered with us to use the Services.

When we say “you,” we mean a friend or other person who visits each of our websites.

A “Subscriber” is someone you connect with through our Services, or someone you may choose to contact at some point in the future through the use of our Services. In other words, a subscriber is anyone who is on your mailing list or has provided us with information about them.

“Personal Data”, “Personal Information” means any information that identifies you or can be used to identify you or the subscriber, directly or indirectly, including, but not limited to, first and last name, date of birth, email address, gender or occupation or other demographic information.

A “Mailing List” is a list of subscribers and all information relating to such subscribers (for example, email addresses).

2. General

We provide services on our website and its sub-domains and other websites like etc.

This Privacy Policy applies to these websites as well as any other websites or mobile applications that we own or operate (each a “Site” and “Websites” together). “Websites” include the websites themselves, and all web pages, interactive features, applications, tools, blogs, social networks, social networking “tabs” or other online, mobile or wireless offerings that link to this Privacy Policy, whether accessed through a computer, mobile device or technology, through or by other means.

In the course of providing the Services, and as described in more detail below, we may collect personal data about a visitor, member, person or email address of a related mailing list or subscription.

This Privacy Policy covers our treatment of personal data we collect when you access or use our Services, but does not cover the practices of companies that we do not own or control, or that we do not manage.

By using or accessing the Service in any way, you acknowledge your acceptance of the procedures and policies set forth in this Privacy Policy, our Cookie Statement and other documents, and you hereby agree that we will collect, use and share your data in the following ways.

Your use of the Service is subject at all times to the Terms of Service, which includes this Privacy Policy. Each term that we use in this Policy without defining them has the definitions provided to them in the Terms of Service.

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the legal age (depending on your jurisdiction). If you are under the legal age (depending on your jurisdiction), please do not attempt to sign up for the Services or submit any personal data about yourself to us.

If we learn that we have collected Personal Data from any underage person (depending on your jurisdiction), we will delete that data as soon as possible. If you believe that an underage person (depending on your jurisdiction) has provided us with Personal Data, please contact our customer support team at

3. Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to update, delete or change any personal data we hold, or if you have any concerns about the way we have handled any privacy issues, please contact our Customer Support Team We have it on

You can also contact us by mail at:

elmngm company

4. Changes

We are constantly trying to improve the Service so that it changes over time and we may need to change this Privacy Policy from time to time, but we will notify you of changes by posting a notice on our website, by sending an email and/ or by other means. Please note that if you choose not to receive legal notices from us via email, those legal notices will still govern your use of the Services, and you will remain responsible for reading and understanding them. This Privacy Policy, electronic or otherwise, shall be deemed to be the true, complete, valid, original and enforceable version of this version of this Privacy Policy that was in effect on any date on which you visited the Site.

5. Your data

5.1 Data that the user provides

Data that you voluntarily provide to us: when registering and using the Services, consulting our customer support team, sending us an email, merging the Services with another website or service, or otherwise communicating with us, You voluntarily provide us the information we collect. This data may include your or your subscribers

  • name
  • , email
  • address, physical
  • address, IP address
  • , phone number,
  • generation

as well as details including gender, occupation, location, purchase history and other demographic information.

By providing this data, you agree that this information will be collected, used, disclosed, transmitted and stored by us, as described in these Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy.

5.2 Data is collected automatically

Each time you connect to the Service, we automatically receive and document information about your visit to our Sites, your use of the Services and your Internet browsing. This information may include your IP address, your operating system, your browser ID, your browsing activity and other information about how you interact with our or other sites. We may collect this information as part of log files as well as through the use of cookies or other tracking technologies.

We may obtain information about how and when you use the Services, store it in log files or other types of files associated with your account, and associate it with other information we collect about you. This information may include, for example, your IP address, time and date, browser used, and actions you have performed within the Application.

We may use this data to personalize content that we think you will like based on your usage patterns. We may also use it to improve the Service – for example, this data can tell us how often users use a particular feature of the Service, and we can use this knowledge to make the Service enjoyable for as many users as possible.

Our use of cookies and other tracking technologies is discussed below, and in more detail here our Cookie Statement.

5.3 Cookies and Tracking

We and our partners may use various technologies to collect and store information when you use our Services, and this may include using cookies and similar tracking technologies on our Website, such as pixels and web beacons, to analyze trends, administer the Website, track user movements across the Website, and send advertisements Targeting and collecting demographic information based on our users as a whole. Users can control the use of cookies at the personal browser level. We partner with third parties to display advertisements on our website or to manage and submit our advertisements on other sites. Our third-party partners may use cookies or similar tracking technologies to provide you with advertisements or other content based on your browsing activities and interests. This privacy policy does not cover the use of cookies by any third parties, and we are not responsible for their privacy policies and practices. Please note that cookies set by third parties may continue to track your online activities even after you leave our Services, and these third parties may not honor the “do not continue” requests you set up using your browser or device.

“Cookies” are identifiers we pass to your browser or device that allow us to identify your browser or device and tell us how and when visitors visit pages and features of our Services and by certain people. You may be able to change your browser or device preferences to block or limit cookies for your device, but this may prevent you from taking advantage of some of our features.

To learn more about our use of cookies and other tracking technologies, see our Cookie Statement.

Please note that our Cookie Statement is an integral part of this Privacy Policy.