Neuromarketing is a strategy that uses knowledge of brain and cognitive sciences to accurately identify customer needs, wants, and preferences. It examines consumers’ responses to marketing stimuli and evaluates subconscious responses to particular advertising campaigns, packaging, design, etc. This approach helps to develop effective marketing campaigns and strategies that resonate with the target audience.

  1. Is Neuromarketing Legal?
  2. Why is neuromarketing important?
  3. How does neuromarketing work?
  4. 6 Neuromarketing Techniques
  5. How do you implement neuromarketing into your strategy?
  6. Examples of Neuromarketing

In this article we will explore whether neuromarketing is legal, why it is important, and how it works. We’ll also reveal 6 techniques, exceptional examples, and learn how to implement neuromarketing into your strategy.

Is Neuromarketing Legal?

Many scientists emphasize the controversial nature of neuromarketing. Some people assume that some types of ads can be misleading and dishonest. They also add that these methods affect people’s brains and encourage customers to take the desired action. On the contrary, proponents of neuromarketing argue that their techniques help to better understand and serve customers’ needs and wants.

Neuromarketing companies act ethically toward consumers as normal advertising agencies do. They do not intend to promote illegal and misleading products and to create the awareness that controls the purchasing decisions of consumers. Neuromarkets says this approach allows customers to understand their own selection patterns. Besides, it allows people to know if companies are maneuvering or influencing their purchasing decisions.

Now that you know if the strategy is legal, let’s explore the reasons that might encourage you to implement it in your business.

Why is neuromarketing important?

Although neuromarketing is controversial, it is still essential for businesses. It includes various technologies that allow brands to understand and meet customers’ needs and preferences. They can also study customer responses to different types of advertisements, campaigns, and product packaging. As a result, business owners can choose the best option for everyone and improve the effectiveness of campaigns and strategies.

Apart from the reasons listed for considering neuromarketing, you can reap more benefits from this strategy. Helps:

  • identify unconscious customer responses to different advertisements, designs, and styles;
  • development of new unique strategies;
  • echo the needs and desires of the audience;
  • Optimizing advertising campaigns and strategies;
  • Explore the feelings and emotions that advertisements, slogans, and certain expressions can evoke in customers;
  • improve customer experience;
  • supplying customers;
  • Increase Sales;
  • Gain a competitive advantage.

With the help of neuroscience, marketers can identify the components of a product that get positive response from customers and increase sales. Now that you know the importance, it’s time to understand how neuromarketing works.

How does neuromarketing work?

Neuromarketing uses functional MRI and EEG tools to scan people’s brains and evaluate physiological and neural signals for specific advertisements, packaging, design, etc. Minds responses are vital for businesses because they provide business owners with a clear picture of customer needs. Wants.

Marketers show advertisements, packaging or product design to customers and track their reactions and the activity of their minds. Once feedback is received and changes measured, companies can decide what steps to take next.

Brain scan allows brands to track any brain activity such as eye movement, pupil changes, facial expressions, pulse and emotions and empowers brands through customer insights. Based on the identified results, companies can decide how to improve their awareness, content, product packaging and design, web design, and branding to capture the audience’s attention and meet customer needs.

Now that you know how neuromarketing works, it’s time to walk you through 6 useful neuromarketing techniques.

6 Neuromarketing Techniques

To successfully implement neuromarketing, brands need special tools and experts in neuromarketing. They will enable you to use the following neuromarketing techniques.

  • Eye tracking (staring): The technique focuses on appearance and where customers are targeting. With its help, you can understand what colors, fonts, advertisements and designs attract their attention. Besides, eye tracking can also indicate things that cause confusion among these people. If you are interested in brand identification, you can learn how quickly to identify a customer. This approach will tell you if you have a high level of awareness or need to work on it to get people to remember your company faster. Once you choose eye tracking, it allows you to improve your website design, packaging, and low-cost ads. Although this technique is easy to manage, it will not help you assess the feelings of customers. So use it with biometrics to get a more detailed analysis of your target audience.
  • Pupillarymetry: This method draws conclusions based on the condition of the examined students. Checks whether the pupils are dilated to assess the level of customer engagement. Through its results, you can understand the steps of advertising repair, website design and product packaging. Access is relatively inexpensive and easy to perform.
  • Facial coding. This method focuses on people’s facial expressions to determine emotional responses. It allows you to understand the emotions that people feel: happiness, fear, anxiety, surprise, contentment, etc. For a relatively cheap price, you will receive information that will help you improve the content of your ad and resonate with your audience.
  • Biometrics: This technology determines the level of involvement and type of response (positive or negative) based on skin respiration, conduction, and heart rate. Biometrics allows you to create your ad content based on people’s wishes. Besides eye tracking, it can greatly improve the awareness and content you choose for them.
  • Electroencephalogram: This allows you to detect and remember a client’s engagement with the help of electrical signals coming from neurons within the brain. This relatively expensive technology allows you to evaluate changes in short periods of time and improve the quality of awareness and branding.
  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This more affordable approach provides detailed emotional responses, recalls, and client engagement. To perform the method, you need a lab. An fMRI detects blood flow to the brain during elevated neural activity. As a result, you get information that helps in improving the brand and setting prices.

Now that you know what methods you can use and which ones will help you reach your goals, it’s time to reveal how to make neuromarketing a part of your strategy.

How do you implement neuromarketing into your strategy?

Neuromarketing is a broad concept that helps marketers grow businesses faster. However, you need to know how to adapt their methods to your strategy to be effective. We have prepared some steps for your consideration.

  1. Learn Eye Tracking Patterns: Although you may not pay much attention to eye movements and changes in them, they can provide insights into your work. Eye tracking can determine if customers like advertising, product packaging, and design. This technology can also determine which items in your online and store ads are attracting more attention. By learning about the customers’ perspective, your team can identify the things that help stand out and connect the audience. Gather a group of research participants to understand whether customers like the colors, font, and visuals of your company. Look closely at customers to see if they are participating in your in-store ads. Once you understand this, you’ll know what to do with your ads, packaging, and branding in the next step.
  2. Creating a Positive Personality: It is a well-known fact that a smile draws attention, and images of happiness release endorphins. As a result, people become more interactive and open to society. Being friendly, open and cheerful allows you to be closer to the audience. It will establish trust and transparency. Posting a picture of a smiling person in your ads or social media posts will create a positive brand image. There is more opportunity to buy with your company.
  3. Simplify the rules for entry: When you ask potential customers to enter their credit card information for a free trial, you are likely to scare them away. They will look for a service that does not require this information. Users who sign up for a free trial period without providing card information are more likely to convert customers. So keep this fact in mind and try to narrow down the entry barriers. Simplify the registration process, create easy-to-use web forms, and improve the buyer’s journey.
  4. Use psychological tricks: Marketers adopt many tricks to attract customers and influence their purchasing decisions. All companies use specific price points to convince buyers that they save a lot. For example, you often come across prices like $99.99 instead of $100. Some companies may remove the dollar sign. Neural Markets highlight other “tricks” that may be beneficial to the brand’s revenue. If you place light-colored products on the upper shelves and dark-colored goods on the lower shelves, your sales are more likely to increase.
  5. Use sensory marketing: By capturing the senses of customers, you can reach them and build a positive brand image. You will attract attention and build confidence. Beautiful aromas and gentle lighting can create an extraordinary atmosphere and ensure an extraordinary experience for customers. This will have a positive effect on sales. Scents can create great memories and evoke that people will connect with your brand later.

The process is straightforward, so let’s move on to some real examples. They will give you an idea to create a unique neuro marketing strategy.

Examples of Neuromarketing

We have prepared some examples that demonstrate the usefulness of neuromarketing research. You will see that brands even change their designs to the most suitable options for customers. So let’s jump in.

Chips Ahoy

, the legendary cookie brand, is our first example of how neuromarketing can get closer to consumers. After research, the brand’s team received important information about the product’s packaging. Marketers have found that people cannot read because the brand is using inappropriate colours. To get rid of the problem and find the right design, the company applied eye-tracking technology. The Ahoy French fries team showed different design options and chose the best based on the response. The brand changed the packaging and improved the text, image and colors.

Game of Thrones

This study was designed to show whether people find video material more exciting than audio. To understand this, the researchers took the same video clips and audiobooks from “Game of Thrones” to analyze the participants’ physical reactions. The results showed that the video was 15% more exciting, but the audiobook resulted in a faster pulse rate, higher body temperature, and skin conduction.

Neuromarketing has many benefits and reasons to implement it. Consider using our technologies to increase your company’s sales and revenue.