Entrepreneurship certainly seems to be the biggest challenge for many people. They typically fund home collateral and friend and family loans through a “bootstrapping” method. They all work but they’re not that ideal.

Naturally not knowing other more traditional or creative ways to fund your business will hinder any chance of your success let alone growth. At the end of the day you need the right amount of debt and the right amount of equity to get things going.

While many entrepreneurs and business owners will march to the bank or their preferred local small business lender to see if they can get a business loan not everyone is eligible for this typical route. Lack of adequate financial history and credit rating for most novice business owners Eligible for bank loans. Second many loan applicants do not own important items and inventory that could be used as collateral. Third most banks and loan companies tend to reject any loan requests from individuals who lack the experience or expertise to run a business Especially a new one.

That said you shouldn’t be worried. Banks and loan companies may be the most common sources of start-up capital for small businesses but they’re not the only financing options. If you insist on starting your own business then maybe it’s best to keep those ideas flowing and thinking An innovative way to raise capital for your business start-up capital. While not all creative ways guarantee commitment some have helped many people. This method might also work for you. Let’s look at some creative ways to raise money for startups Business.

Product Testing

Become a product tester. Most countries now enforce strict regulations that require manufacturing companies to ensure that their products are safe for human consumption and use before they are sold on the market. To do this the company hired product testers who were actually human guinea pigs. The product range usually ranges from cell phone health supplements to electronic products. Compensation varies widely by product and by manufacturing company.

Write Movie Reviews

Make money by writing movie reviews. If you have a talent for writing and enjoy watching and criticizing movies becoming a film critic might just be the solution to your financial needs. There are plenty of online sites where you can pay for well-written movie reviews if you Know where to watch and it’s only a matter of time before you can get ahead of everyone else and pay for it.

Loans From Angel Investors

Angel investors are often seen as individual-focused investors because they invest heavily in an individual’s ability to drive business success. They’re more focused on growth than making big profits so to speak. You can take this opportunity and borrow money from them to raise money Funding for start-ups.

Garage Sale

Hold a garage sale. Nothing beats a traditional garage sale. While selling your prized possession may be a little difficult for you you need to see the bright side of it. You are selling so you can build your business. This equates to you working harder to ensure your business is successful.

Other creative financing methods for raising capital for startups include:

  • Equity line of credit – money you lend to your business on a secured basis
  • Business Credit Cards
  • Reverse Takeovers of a Public Shell
  • Royalty and Revenue Sharing
  • Vendor Financing
  • Business Incubators

If we had to choose the most traditional “alternative financing” method today we would have to say its factoring or accounts receivable financing. Thousands of businesses use it to stabilize and generate “block” cash flow. It covers short-term emergencies and lowers receivables and increase cash.

Bottom line is; business owners may not even know there are many traditional/creative and alternative sources of financing. Find and speak with a trusted experienced and credible business financing advisor who can help you find creative sources of business funding need.