Copywriting is the technique of writing persuasive messages to drive people to action.

Learn more about how copywriting works and the different types that exist.

What Is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the skill (and field of work) of writing promotional and other marketing materials for products services fundraisers etc. Its purpose is to convince people to take action whether it’s buying something entering an email address donating or Click a button.

Your business copywriting is an important skill when it comes to marketing and advertising.

The copy has nothing to do with legal trademarks. Protecting your own invention or creative work is a completely different kind of copyright.

How Copywriting Works

Copywriting is very different from typical writing such as writing articles blog posts or other content. Effective copywriting drives responses and increases purchases.

Here we’ll use the cat product to look at the five components of effective copywriting to illustrate the point.

Addresses a Specific Audience

If you’re promoting a product that provides cats with fresh water 24/7 the copywriting must communicate with the cat owner. In one-on-one “conversations,” the copywriter needs to explain how the product addresses the cat owner’s desire to provide fresh healthy water.

If outsourcing your copywriting to writers who are experienced in your market understand their needs and understand their type of language or jargon.

Offers a Unique Benefit or Promise

Cat owners have thousands of products to choose from so copywriters must differentiate this cat water product from any other available. What makes it the best solution (simplest safest healthiest etc.)?

Many call this your USP or Unique Selling Proposition. What makes you different from all other me-too products or services?

Gives Strong Proof

To ensure cat owners aren’t hesitant or concerned that a product won’t deliver on its promise it’s a good idea to provide concrete evidence that the product works such as customer test results compared to other cat water products or a marketing video about how easy it is use.

Guides the Audience to a Call to Action

If you want cat owners to watch a demonstration of this great water fountain invention the copywriting will need to guide them clearly with a call to action which might be like watching this video to see how simple it is. Also the copy should provide something Something special that makes cat owners want to act now: “Save $25 if you place your order before the XX date.”

Telling people exactly what they need to do next and why they should do it now are two things that every marketing piece you create should include. Offering bonus discount incentives and most importantly the reason they should act now rather than delay is very effective.

Tested and tweaked over time to improve results

A few simple replica changes can improve responses by 10% 20% or even 150% so it’s worth testing different messages and quotes.

It’s important to keep track of everything to see what works and what doesn’t. Also keep testing to see if you can improve the results you’ve already got.

Copywriters often charge much more than regular copywriters because copywriters are specially trained to write sales copy.

Types of Copywriting

You know that TV commercial you just saw before the evening news? A copywriter wrote the script for that ad.

How about a brochure you picked up at your local home and garden show? Yes the contributors wrote these too.

What’s on that site you just visited? One or more contributors may write content on each page of the site.

These are examples of broadcast print and online copywriting.

Traditionally before the advent of Internet copywriting about a dozen different types of marketing materials were required including direct mail packages postcards newspaper and magazine ads TV and radio ads brochures posters coupons sales sheets (for sales reps to carry) and product.

Today the world of copywriting has exploded online becoming a key component of hundreds of marketing tools and strategies such as websites emails copy online articles social media posts blogs online advertising videos webinars presentations and more.

Marketing campaigns for just one product may require all of these types of copywriting and more depending on the product type:

  • Online product sales pages (think LL Bean or Amazon product descriptions)
  • The product’s packaging/label
  • Product ads in Google Facebook ads and other popular online venues
  • Product ads in print magazines
  • Brochures distributed at trade shows
  • Product demo video(s)
  • White papers or special reports on the problems the product solves
  • Product Specification Sheet and How-To Web Page
  • Articles and blog posts about the product
  • Testimonials and customer stories
  • Sales Letters by Direct Mail and/or Online Web Pages

Key Takeaways Copywriting is the skill and field of writing persuasive messages that inspire people to take action. It is different from other types of writing such as writing for articles blogs or books. Effective copywriting for a specific audience provides u

  • Emails promoting the product
  • Case studies explaining how customers benefit from the product

nique benefits and strong evidence. Be sold and ultimately lead readers to action. Most businesses need copywriting to provide marketing materials such as product service fundraisers.