What is brand activation and why do you need it? Define the term and explain how the brand is managed. Brand management is an event, campaign or any interaction through which a company drives customer actions. This technique aims to create brand awareness, build lasting relationships with the target audience, and grow customer loyalty. It helps in attracting more customers by allowing them to interact directly with a particular company.

  1. Why is branding important?
  2. Brand Revitalization Strategy
  3. Five Brand Management Ideas
  4. How to Measure Brand Revitalization
  5. Examples of Brand Revitalization

Why Brand Matters?

In the age of digital marketing, it is very difficult to stand out among the thousands of brands that are doing their best to achieve their goals. Marketers are looking for interactive and effective ways to attract their target audience to make the brand recognizable. Various forms of experiential marketing such as brand activation, guerrilla marketing, environmental marketing and ambush marketing save.

If you are just starting your business, you know your audience well, yet they don’t know you. Managing a brand is a great opportunity to present your brand and make emotional connections with future buyers. Experimental marketing allows you to create something interesting and related to your company that will spark interest even among those who don’t know you yet.

Now that you know the reasons why companies hold different events so often, create unique campaigns and communicate directly with their customers, it’s time to learn more about this strategy.

Brand activation strategy

  1. Define what your brand stands for
  2. Define your audience
  3. Conduct a SWOT analysis
  4. Find out tactics to reach your audience
  5. Think about management

A boring and incorrect approach cannot attract more people to your brand. If you aspire to create buzz around your company, a brand activation strategy is a great solution. Let us walk you through a number of necessary steps.

  1. Define what your brand stands for. First and foremost is to decide what you want to be known for and what you value. It’s not just about how you position your brand, it’s also about what people think of it. Therefore, you need to make sure that your brand message is clear.
  2. Define your audience. Guessing wildly and trying to meet the needs and wants of your audience without analyzing and segmenting them is not a good idea. According to the survey, 72% of customers prefer engaging in marketing messages tailored to their interests. This is why you need to know the demographics, interests and features of your ideal buyers. You need to find customers who will value your products or services the most. For this purpose, consider creating buyer personas. Visit our blog to learn how to develop a client profile.
  3. Conduct a SWOT analysis. Before planning various events, campaigns and facilities, you should be aware of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of your brand. Do not forget that some branding campaigns may require a lot of resources, while some may be simple and inexpensive. However, you don’t necessarily need a lot of money to start a campaign because even something like setting up a creative kiosk can attract audiences.
  4. Discover tactics to reach your audience. Keep in mind that there are many ways to reach potential customers, including installing a product demo, mobile carts, games and many other activities. Choose an appropriate way to clearly communicate your message to your target audience.
  5. Think about management. The final step is to bring the previous elements together and create a great team that will bring everything to life. Assign responsibility to the right people for the participation of everyone on your team.
  6. Now that you know the necessary steps, let’s explore five ideas that will inspire you to create your own amazing event.


Five Brand Management Ideas

  1. Surprise your audience
  2. Make your event interactive
  3. Introduce new features to your products
  4. Consider partnering with other brands
  5. Promote your brand values

​​If you are striving to improve brand awareness and reach more people, brand management is the right decision. We have prepared a number of ideas for you to inspire your next campaign and connect with potential clients and clients in a creative and unusual way.

1. Surprise your audience

The best way to build strong brand awareness is to do something that no one expects. That’s what Lipton Iced Tea did – the brand created a huge yellow water slide in central London. As a result, this creature gathered around it amazed and curious people. Furthermore, Lipton gave away free samples of his products to increase engagement.

2. Make your event interactive

One of the keys to the success of your event is to make it interactive. Get customers to interact with your brand. Don’t forget to promote your event on social media to attract as many visitors as possible. According to statistics, 88% of brands use social media platforms to increase awareness.

Let’s take the experimental food club launched by IKEA. People had a great opportunity to cook under the supervision of chefs and serve dishes to the closest people.

Introduce the new features of your products

If you have a new or old product but with new features, go ahead and showcase it and highlight the benefits it can bring to your audience.

Apple’s “One Night on iPhone 7” is a great example of how to showcase your product. The employees of the famous technology company did their best to surprise fans of the brand and at the same time show the benefits of their products. They invited photographers from different countries to take pictures on their Apple devices to showcase the new camera features.

Source: Apple

4. Consider partnering with other brands

It’s also a good idea to find a non-competing brand that has a similar audience. You can collaborate and create something together: a product, a campaign, an event, or something else.

You can find a lot of examples all over the world. For example, the “Voices for Your Journey” campaign is the result of a collaboration between Uber and Spotify. This campaign shows good results – a wider and wider audience of potential customers who are interested in these brands.

5. Enhance your brand values ​​A

successful campaign will help boost your brand values ​​and convert your regular customers into fans of your company. Consider displaying your values ​​in compelling visuals to reach more people and create a powerful impact.

Take Ben & Jerry’s, for example. A value-based brand often promotes environmental protection. Ben & Jerry’s values ​​encouraged them to create a film festival, where they decided to show eight films. The brand has used eco-friendly hybrid power technology to power the big screen. Festival visitors can also learn about the brand’s “Save our Swirled” campaign for climate justice.

Source: The Drum

If your resources are not limited, you can always create something amazing and surprise your audience. Many brands prove that creativity and smart use of available tools can do wonders for your company. But after interacting with your customers, you must know how to measure your success.

How to measure brand activation

To see if you did everything right during your brand launch campaign, you can review:

  • Customer Recruitment (check if the number of customers, sales and revenue increased);
  • Participation in social networks (find out if you have more followers, mentions, comments and likes on social networks);
  • Live participation during the event (You can easily measure your success if you see that there are a lot of people participating during the event);
  • Metrics (track your campaign performance).
  • Now you know a lot about managing a brand, so it’s time to turn to the examples to get some inspiration.


Examples of Brand Revitalization

  • Revolve
  • Foster No Worries
  • GoGo SqueeZ: The
  • Vitamin Water

Whether you’re just starting out, your company is planning a new product launch and needs some extra hype, or maybe your brand is striving for more awareness, the brand launch here from for you. Here you can see some notable examples. Let’s dive in.


uses a popular brand of apparel, footwear and accessories to revitalize the brand often. Their “Go around the World” campaign included influencer marketing to generate greater interest in their company. The brand sent opinion leaders on a journey that began at Carnival in Los Angeles to build a following, promote their clothing, and boost brand engagement.

Foster No Worries

In partnership with Airbnb, the popular Australian beer brand has created a pop-up hotel at one of the country’s music festivals to reach out to young music fans from Finland. The hotel is set inside a blue grocery store. The festival ticket allows visitors to book a room at this exceptional hotel via the Airbnb app.

Source: Ads of the World

GoGo SqueeZ: The Goodness Machine

The brand famous for its apple puree and yogurt pouches showed particular creativity in developing its brand launch campaign. The GoGo SqueeZ team created a huge version of a unique apple puree that made kids’ favorite dessert when the device was turned on, with the aim of attracting kids and their parents. The image below shows that the event evoked pleasant emotions and was particularly interactive.

Vitamin Water

Like most brands, Vitamin Water has decided to use a popular event to promote their products and attract more potential customers. To that end, the brand chose the WayHome music festival, where the Vitamin Water team created a “mist station” that allows those without a fever to cool off. They designed a wonderful place with bright colors that attract many people.

Finally, you can offer the brand launch in the form of an event or any type of brand awareness campaign. It is interactive and creative, and it is very important to attract more and more people. It is suitable for both start-ups and established companies