What is a Webinar?

Basically webinars are seminars presented online. Although you can provide a recorded playback it is usually done live. It usually includes live video of the presenter as well as slideshows or screenshots.

Because it’s a seminar webinar that provides detailed information or training on a topic. While it can be used to promote a product or service its focus is on providing information that participants can benefit from the sales aspect is final and is a product or service that enhances or enhances Extend what they’ve learned in the webinar.

What are the pros and cons of webinars for building your business?

We like what has greater perceived value than other forms of marketing. Because of the time you put in and the personal interactions you have. Build your email list and generate leads. Build trust and rapport as people get to know you and your expertise. Learn more about your market. because you can ask And answering questions and providing feedback Your marketplace can provide you with information that you can use to improve your product services and marketing efforts. Affordable. The cost of hosting webinars has dropped significantly and there are even free options. Expand your market reach especially if you invite Other experts will lead their audience to join you in the webinar. Improve your status as an expert in your field. Regardless of location. People from all over the world can join your webinars. The ability to repurpose. You can add to your membership or other products and services or get Transcripts of your webinars to sell or use in other marketing. Passive Marketing. After completing the webinar you can move on to using the recorded webinar to generate leads and make sales. What We Don’t Like You need to feel confident using technology especially when in the field and a failure occurred. You need to feel comfortable speaking live and be an engaging speaker. Sometimes your audience may not be as responsive as you would like it to be.

How webinars can build your business? One of the biggest challenges of making money in a home business is getting people to pay for your product or service. Especially in crowded and noisy markets webinars can help you stand out from the crowd and let people know you have commodity. Because you’re in the video and talking to people your audience will feel like they know you better and therefore feel more comfortable doing business with you. Here are 5 ways webinars can help you build your business: Build a Checklist Step 1 Consumers attend webinars for give you their name and email. Second is your product or service (and you) your list is your most valuable asset! Webinars can be a magnet for growing your listings so you can stay in touch with important information and future offers. Leading Generation Webinars Can Reach Interested People provided by you. It can also turn those leads into interested leads who are now more likely to buy because they “meet” you and have a better understanding of who you are and what you do. Grow your content library There is a saying that content is king. Most people watch online Get information if you have that information they will be interested in your business. Webinars can be used for content marketing just like articles and other forms of content. It can be free or you can include your webinars in your paid membership plan. Product Sales/Launch Webinars Yes A popular way to offer free training to solve one problem and then a complete product to solve all the other problems your market has. Many information marketers use this method to introduce their products to potential buyers. Sales visits although free webinars are recommended for list building or To help market your product or service you can also charge people for training. Alternatively one approach that many summit hosts are using is to offer webinars for free 24 hours and then sell lifetime unlimited access to the webinars.

How to Host a Webinar

If you’re ready to attend the webinar follow the steps below to get started.

1. Determine the purpose of the webinar. For example will being on your listing be an attractive magnet or do you want to do informational training to promote your product or service?

2. Decide what you want to talk about. For marketing in particular you want to create a presentation that answers at least one of the market’s pressing questions. If you have a product to promote identify a solution it addresses and host a webinar for that. If you are creating a list Research the most frequently asked questions about your business or check the analysis of the most popular pages on your website to find out what people want to know.

3. Organize your presentation. While you don’t want to read your speech or get stiff you also don’t want to be freewheeling. Start by briefly introducing you and what you are about to introduce. Then identify the main idea you want to cover and any sub-ideas you don’t want to forget.

Because the webinar is live a few places where you can ask questions from the audience have been added. Allow time for a question and answer session.

If you’re using a webinar to promote your product include a short pitch at the end about your product’s features and benefits. You might consider offering your participants special buy-now offers such as discounts or additional bonuses.

Finally whether visiting your website or checking out your product/service don’t forget to make a call to action.

4. Decide how long your webinar will last. While some webinars are longer one hour is generally considered the ideal length. You can provide a lot of information but you’re not asking people to give up too much time to join.

5. Determine the date and time for the webinar. Avoid weekends. While people usually get off work on weekends they are also usually busy with family or personal pursuits. Mid-week in the afternoon is the most common time to schedule webinars. Depending on your market you may want to Scheduled for the evening.

6. Create your slideshow. While you can keep talking on video as webinars tend to be informative slideshows it helps you and your audience stay focused on the topic. You can also make a screenshot video if you show your audience how to do something online.

If you don’t have Power Point you can use a graphics program like Google Slides or Canva to create a slideshow.

7. Decide whether you will attend the webinar alone or with a co-host or guest. The nice thing about having another one is that it keeps things flowing and fun and you don’t have to carry the whole presentation. Your co-host or guest can also help you market the webinar.

8. Check your tools. To conduct a webinar you need a webcam or camera on your phone a microphone webcam software with chat if you want to interact with your audience and promote your webinar.

9. Set up the webinar system. Popular webinar presentation tools include WebinarJam GoToMeeting and LiveStream. If price is an issue or you’re not sure if you want to make webinars a regular part of your business you can use Zoom Google Hangouts and Skype albeit for free Versions may have restrictions on the number of participants.

You also need to have a page where your attendees can register and an email list to provide webinar information. Funnels are the best way. In the webinar funnel you have a landing page that provides information about your webinar and a registration form to attend. on the thank you page you want Reminders about the date and time of the event. If you have any notes or downloads you can provide them there. You can even promote your product or service on a thank you page.

Your email service can also deliver information. Also on the day of the event be sure to email the link to the webinar.

10. Market your webinar. You can market your webinars in a number of ways including letting your email list know about your website social media and paid ads (i.e Facebook ads).

11. Practice and practice. Not only do you want to finish your talk but you also want to do a test run to get familiar with your tools see how the slides look and make sure you’ve dealt with any glitches that might occur.

12. Do your webinar. Stay hydrated look professional and engage with your audience on event day.

13. Reuse and/or Repurpose Your Webinar. After the webinar you can make the recorded version available to those who cannot attend the event live. You might consider offering this as an automated webinar which simulates a live webinar including registration requirements but is actually recorded version. Both Stealth Seminar and Ever Webinar provide services for automated webinars. Other ways you can use a webinar include adding it to your content library. You can transcribe it and offer it to attendees as a reward for your product or service or use it as a Establish a text-oriented training base.