One of the easiest and fastest ways to create additional revenue streams from online sales is through an Amazon affiliate website. Although this is the exception to the rule some affiliates can even make six figures.

“Realistically if you’re a full-time online business you’re going to make money in a few different ways and the average person can make a few hundred to a few thousand dollars” Brian T. Edmondson an internet income expert and coach in Levittown Say Pennsylvania.

Setting up your own website is cheap and requires very little effort in most cases it only takes a day to set up. However launching an affiliate website is only the first step. The challenge is to attract the right traffic that will convert into product sales once consumers click on Amazon. the best Results come from picking the right niche – don’t do it like everyone else. Focus on these ways to increase your chances of success:

1. Learn Basic HTML

Learning Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) to create web pages and applications is not as complicated as it was 10 to 15 years ago. Website platforms like WordPress Wix or Weebly have simple templates that activate the website at the push of a button. but you still need to know How to insert images to create hyperlinks and format text.

If you’re new to HTML and the basic concepts of managing a website take the time to learn. It will be well worth it in the long run.

2. Pick Your Niche

Anything you sell on Amazon such as e-books music cosmetics and kitchen appliances can become part of your inventory for a commission on sales. However with commissions ranging from 1% to 10% sales of low-priced items like books are only pennies. 1

“Those who are more successful as affiliates go after marketplaces with a lot of buyers or sell high-priced items on Amazon,” Edmondson said.

Choose a product line with mass consumer demand that you like or have some expertise in but make sure the niche is narrow enough to differentiate itself. These niches might be a band with a left-handed guitarist from your city music for line dancing or a salsa book written by an author of some kind of religion or art and craft resources such as beading or pottery.

3. Set Up Your Web Hosting

Amazon affiliates can pay almost anything for web hosting services. For example Wix offers a free basic blogging service while starts at $5.95 per month (as of April 2021). Resources like 23 Online Business Guides offer a range of affordable web hosting services. Some require a small monthly fee Having unlimited domain names means you can run multiple sites for various niches on the same hosting package.

4. Choose Your Domain Name

If you’re launching a personal brand as a writer expert or instructor it’s common to use your name as a domain name to build a following — especially among YouTube Twitter and Instagram influencers. Another way is to give the site a name that reflects the niche like MyBestSkincareProducts MyFavoriteAccessories 或 SupplementsForWeightlifters。

Making the name keyword rich is not smart. Think about what search terms the average person might enter into a search engine to find your website. Be sure to check your name against other sites already on the market.

5. Register Your Domain Name

Registering a domain name for one or two websites is not expensive but it can add up to 10 to 20 niche websites. Save money by choosing a lower cost provider like SiteGround or GoDaddy. There are also 1 and 1 also known as IONOS prices start from the low end – $1 for the first year Incremental growth in subsequent years depends on the plan. 4

If you are not technically inclined to register a domain name with your hosting company. GoDaddy offers discounts like 12 months of basic managed WordPress for $1 per month after which the price rises to the regular list price.

6. Install WordPress

Content marketing is one of the best ways to drive traffic and buyers. WordPress with a free option is easy to install and fast to simplify publishing. It is popular when publishing content such as blogs and articles.

Many hosts have a one-step installation process for WordPress. These include GoDaddy Wix and Weebly.

Product reviews with keywords are another avenue of content marketing. Once WordPress is installed it’s as easy as writing an article and linking to Amazon to get paid – once the product is purchased of course.

7. Make It Pretty

While content is king design is king and it’s becoming increasingly important for consumers who want to trust trusted websites. One of the benefits of WordPress is its flexible design options.

You can customize your website as much as possible with WordPress plugins. If you want to outsource a task it is easy to find expertise due to the popularity of WordPress.

WordPress offers a variety of templates to give you more freedom and control in your website design. “Add email marketing tools so you can capture the names of people who visit your site and follow up with them for other opportunities to showcase other products they might be Interested in buying,” Edmondson said.

8. Set Up Categories

Attributing categories or subcategories to your articles can help consumers find your site in search engines. Most blogging software including WordPress Wix and Weebly have the ability to assign posts to categories or subcategories that help organize entries.

Categories can also help visitors understand their interests more specifically. For example might have one set of categories for genres like rock country or blues and another set for cities of origin like Austin Dallas Houston or Lubbock.

9. Register as an Amazon Associate (Affiliate)

It’s simple and free. Just visit Amazon Associates and click Sign Up on the link at the bottom of the page. Even if you don’t have any content yet your website should have at least the basic setup. Amazon manually reviews the site before approving it.

If you haven’t seen it Amazon will provide a legal disclaimer at the bottom of the site. For full transparency this is to inform people that you are an Amazon affiliate and in some cases you do get compensated.

10. Create your blog post bookmarks and links

At the bottom of your blogging software’s publish page there should be an item called Bookmarks. Click and drag a link to the Links toolbar or Favorites menu in your browser. This allows you to update your blog about products with a click of the mouse.

11. Create your Amazon Build-A-Link bookmarks and links

This step allows you to link using the built-in affiliate ID. Log in to Associates Central peruse Build-A-Link in the left navigation sidebar then click and drag individual items under Static Links to the Links toolbar or Favorites menu.

12. Build Your First Link

Once logged into your Associates account search for the product you want to view then use the grey-striped Site Stripe at the top of the screen to get a personalized link to that item. Amazon also offers many other options for creating links and banners.

13. Blog Your Review

Click on your blog post link. With WordPress two link codes will appear. Delete the first one ending with . The second part is a product link with your Amazon Associate ID. Write a product review select the appropriate category and click release.

14. Build Out Your Amazon Affiliate Site

Before promoting your website create enough substantive content to capture the interest of your visitors. Write several product reviews in at least two to three categories. You may also want to write articles news and reviews related to your expertise or niche. The more written the better because When writing search engines are automatically notified if notifications are turned on.

15. Promote Your Amazon Affiliate Site

The best way to promote for free is to connect with other bloggers who write about similar topics and participate in online communities that discuss your topic.